フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Portable Conductivity Meter


Portable Conductivity Meter | CDH-280-KIT

Portable Conductivity Meter


  • Four user selectable ranges
  • Easy to Operate
  • Ideal for most Water applications
ポータブル測定器 - 関連する商品を探す


The model CDH-280 conductivity meter is a basic, simple-to-operate instrument with four user-selectable ranges. It features automatic temperature compensation, a fixed 2%/°C temperature coefficient and a rugged splashproof enclosure. The CDH-280-KIT is a complete kit including a glass conductivity cell with an integral temperature sensor and cell constant of 1.0. The meter measures from a low range of 0 - 199.9 µS/cm up to 0 - 199.9 mS/cm. Both dip and flow cells with cell constants from 0.1 - 10 are compatible with the CDH-280. These sensors are available with glass, epoxy or polymer bodies.
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Conductivity meter, glass dip-style conductrivity probe with integral temperature sensor, K=1.0 and carrying case
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¥45,997 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥41,815)
納期: 11 週間
Replacement conductivity probe, glass dip-style, K=1.0 with ATC, platinum plates, 12 x 130 mm (4.7 x 5.1')
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¥41,536 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥37,760)
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Polymer dip-style probe, K=1.0 with ATC, platinum plates, 12 x 130 mm (4.7 x 5.1')
¥52,690 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥47,900)
納期: 9 週間
Glass flow cell, K=1.0 with ATC, platinum plates, 13 x 166 mm (0.5 x 6.5') overall length, 5 mm (0.2') tubing connections, 33 mm (1.3') cell head, 4 mL minimum volume
¥87,808 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥79,825)
納期: 6 週間
Epoxy dip-style probe, K=0.1 with ATC, carbon plates, 26 x 216 mm (1.0 x 8.5')
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¥47,113 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥42,830)
納期: 2 週間
Glass dip-style probe, K=0.1 with ATC, platinum plates, 20 x 130 mm (0.8 x 5.1')
¥41,536 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥37,760)
納期: 9 週間
Epoxy dip-style probe, K=1.0 with ATC, carbon plates, 12 x 110 mm (4.7 x 4.3')
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¥4,077 (税込)
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納期: 2 週間
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注: CDH-280-KIT is supplied with meter, glass dip-style conductivity probe with cell constant of 1.0 and integral temperature sensor, sample bottle, calibration solution, battery, rugged carrying case and complete operator’s manual
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