フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

High Watt Density Cartridge Heaters with Incoloy® Sheath ⅜" (9.525 mm) Nominal Diameter

CIR Series ? inch

CIR High Watt Density Cartridge Heaters Incoloy 3/8

CIR High Watt Density Cartridge Heaters Incoloy 3/8" Dia

¥13,785 CIR-2013/120V

  • Reliable, Premium Quality
  • Rugged - Shock and Vibration Resistant
  • U.L. Component Recognized
  • CSA Certified
  • Up to 760ºC (1400ºF) Working Temperature
  • Incoloy 800 Sheath Material
  • Lengths from 1¼ to 24" (3 to 61 cm)
  • 120 Vac and 240 Vac Models
カートリッジヒータ - 関連する商品を探す


OMEGALUX™ CIR series High Watt Density cartridge heaters are manufactured to the highest industry standards using only premium materials. CIR Incoloy sheathed cartridge heaters can operate at working temperatures up to 760ºC (1400ºF) with sheath temperatures up to 870ºC (1600ºF). They have excellent corrosion resistance and are especially well suited for use in applications involving molds, dies, platens, hot plates, and sealing operations.

⅜" Nominal Diameter CIR Series, Actual Diameter & Tolerance: 0.371" ± 0.002" (9.423 mm)
Sheath Length in. (cm) Watts W/in2 Model No. Wt. lbs. (kg) Sheath Length in. (cm) Watts W/in2 Model No. Wt. lbs. (kg) Sheath Length in. (cm) Watts W/in2 Model No. Wt. lbs. (kg)
1 ¼ (3) 100 114 CIR-2013/120V .05(.02) 2 ½ (6) 250 107 CIR-20251/* .10(.05) 5 (13) 750 142 CIR-2054/240V .20(.09)
1 ¼ (3) 125 143 CIR-20131/120V .05(.02) 2 ½ (6) 300 129 CIR-2029/* .10(.05) 5 (13) 1000 190 CIR-2056/240V .20(.09)
1 ¼ (3) 150 171 CIR-2012/* .05(.02) 2 ½ (6) 400 171 CIR-2026/* .10(.05) 5 ¼ (13) 200 44 CIR-2057/240V .21(.10)
1 ¼ (3) 200 228 CIR-2014/* .05(.02) 2 ½ (6) 500 214 CIR-20252/* .10(.05) 5 ½ (14) 600 102 CIR-2058/240V .22(.10)
1 ½ (4) 50 43 CIR-2018/120V .06(.03) 213/16 (7) 250 91 CIR-20253/120V .11(.05) 5 ½ (14) 1000 171 CIR-2059/240V .24(.11)
1 ½ (4) 85 73 CIR-2016/120V .06(.03) 213/16 (7) 300 109 CIR-20254/240V .11(.05) 6 (15) 200 31 CIR-2064/120V .24(.11)
1 ½ (4) 100 85 CIR-20151/* .06(.03) 3 (8) 100 34 CIR-2032/* .12(.05) 6 (15) 250 39 CIR-2061/* .24(.11)
1 ½ (4) 130 111 CIR-20152/240V .06(.03) 3 (8) 150 51 CIR-2033/* .12(.05) 6 (15) 400 62 CIR-2065/* .24(.11)
1 ½ (4) 150 129 CIR-2019/* .06(.03) 3 (8) 200 68 CIR-2031/* .12(.05) 6 (15) 500 78 CIR-2060/* .24(.11)
1 ½ (4) 200 171 CIR-2015/* .06(.03) 3 (8) 250 85 CIR-2034/* .12(.05) 6 (15) 600 93 CIR-2066/* .24(.11)
1 ½ (4) 250 214 CIR-20191/* .06(.03) 3 (8) 300 103 CIR-20301/* .12(.05) 6 (15) 750 117 CIR-2062/240V .24(.11)
1 ¾ (4) 125 85 CIR-2017/120V .06(.03) 3 (8) 400 137 CIR-20302/* .12(.05) 6 (15) 1000 155 CIR-2063/240V .24(.11)
1 ¾ (4) 175 120 CIR-2017/120V .06(.03) 3 (8) 500 171 CIR-2030/* .12(.05) 6 ½ (17) 600 85 CIR-2067/240V .26(.12)
1 ¾ (4) 250 170 CIR-20172/* .06(.03) 3 (8) 600 205 CIR-2036/240V .12(.05) 6 ½ (17) 1000 143 CIR-2068/240V .26(.12)
113/16 (5) 200 128 CIR-20173/120V .06(.03) 3 ½ (9) 250 71 CIR-2037/* .14(.06) 7 (18) 250 33 CIR-2070/* .28(.13)
2 (5) 50 29 CIR-20201/120V .06(.03) 3 ½ (9) 300 86 CIR-2038/* .14(.06) 7 (18) 600 79 CIR-2076/* .28(.13)
2 (5) 75 42 CIR-20209/120V .06(.03) 3 ½ (9) 500 142 CIR-2035/* .14(.06) 7 (18) 1000 131 CIR-2079/240V .28(.13)
*Designate voltage, insert 120V for 120 Vac or 240V for 240 Vac.     † Consult Sales
Catalog numbers that contain -/120 or -/240 are only available in that voltage.
Note: CIR Series cartridge heaters use high temperature mica Fiberglas® insulated stranded lead wire (up to 450ºC [842ºF]). Standard length 14"

3/8" Nominal Diameter CIR Series, Actual Diameter & Tolerance: 0.371" ±0.002" (9.423 mm)
Sheath Length in. (cm) Watts W/in2 Model No. Wt. lbs. (kg) Sheath Length in. (cm) Watts W/in2 Model No. Wt. lbs. (kg) Sheath Length in. (cm) Watts W/in2 Model No. Wt. lbs. (kg)
2 (5) 100 57 CIR-20202/* .06(.03) 313/16 (10) 150 37 CIR-2039/120V .15(.07) 7 ½ (19) 600 73 CIR-2075/240V .30(.14)
2 (5) 150 85 CIR-2021/* .06(.03) 313/16 (10) 500 128 CIR-20303/240V .15(.07) 7 ½ (19) 1000 122 CIR-2077/240V .30(.14)
2 (5) 200 114 CIR-20203/* .06(.03) 4 (10) 125 30 CIR-2045/* .16(.07) 8 (20) 300 34 CIR-2081/* .32(.15)
2 (5) 250 142 CIR-2020/* .06(.03) 4 (10) 150 37 CIR-2041/* .16(.07) 8 (20) 400 45 CIR-2082/120V .32(.15)
2 (5) 300 171 CIR-20204/* .06(.03) 4 (10) 175 44 CIR-2046/120V .16(.07) 8 (20) 500 57 CIR-2085/* .32(.15)
2 (5) 350 199 CIR-20205/* .06(.03) 4 (10) 200 51 CIR-2044/240V .16(.07) 8 (20) 600 68 CIR-2086/* .32(.15)
2 (5) 400 228 CIR-20206/* .06(.03) 4 (10) 250 61 CIR-2042/* .16(.07) 8 (20) 700 80 CIR-2080/* .32(.15)
2 (5) 500 262 CIR-20207/* .06(.03) 4 (10) 300 73 CIR-2040/* .16(.07) 8 (20) 1000 115 CIR-2089/240V .32(.15)
2 ¼ (6) 75 37 CIR-20225/120V .08(.04) 4 (10) 400 102 CIR-2047/* .16(.07) 9 ½ (24) 600 57 CIR-2090/240V .38(.17)
2 ¼ (6) 100 49 CIR-20221/* .08(.04) 4 (10) 450 110 CIR-2048/240V .16(.07) 9 ½ (24) 1000 97 CIR-2091/240V .38(.17)
2 ¼ (6) 125 61 CIR-2023/* .08(.04) 4 (10) 500 122 CIR-2043/* .16(.07) 10 (25) 400 36 CIR-2102/120V .40(.18)
2 ¼ (6) 150 73 CIR-20222/* .08(.04) 4 (10) 550 133 CIR-2049/120V .16(.07) 10 (25) 600 54 CIR-2100/* .40(.18)
2 ¼ (6) 175 86 CIR-20226/120V .08(.04) 4 ½ (11) 300 64 CIR-20401/* .18(.08) 10 (25) 1000 90 CIR-2101/240V .40(.18)
2 ¼ (6) 200 98 CIR-20223/* .08(.04) 4 ½ (11) 500 106 CIR-20402/* .18(.08) 12 (30) 400 30 CIR-2122/120V .48(.22)
2 ¼ (6) 250 122 CIR-2022/* .08(.04) 413/16 (12) 300 58 CIR-20403/240V .19(.09) 12 (30) 600 45 CIR-2123/* .48(.22)
2 ¼ (6) 300 147 CIR-20224/* .08(.04) 413/16 (12) 500 97 CIR-20404/240V .19(.09) 12 (30) 900 67 CIR-2120/* .48(.22)
2 ¼ (6) 350 172 CIR-20227/* .08(.04) 5 (13) 150 29 CIR-2055/* .20(.09) 12 (30) 1000 74 CIR-2121/240V .48(.22)
2⅜ (6) 75 34 CIR-2025/120V .08(.04) 5 (13) 200 88 CIR-2051/* .20(.09) 15 (38) 1100 65 CIR-2150/240V .80(.36)
2⅜ (6) 165 75 CIR-2024/* .08(.04) 5 (13) 300 57 CIR-2052/* .20(.09) 20 (51) 1300 57 CIR-2200/240V .80(.36)
2 ½ (6) 100 43 CIR-2027/240V .10(.05) 5 (13) 400 76 CIR-2050/* .20(.09) 24 (61) 1500 55 CIR-2240/240V .90(.41)
2 ½ (6) 200 86 CIR-2028/* .10(.05) 5 (13) 500 95 CIR-2053/* .20(.09)
*Designate voltage, insert 120V for 120 Vac or 240V for 240 Vac.     † Consult Sales
Catalog numbers that contain -/120 or -/240 are only available in that voltage.
Note: CIR Series cartridge heaters use high temperature mica Fiberglas® insulated stranded lead wire (up to 450ºC [842ºF]). Standard length 14"
注文する (部品番号ビルダーより掲載以外の製品もご選択いただけます)(注文数を入力の上、"カートに追加"をクリックしてください)
Example part numbers are shown below. For additional configurations see the Part Number Builder below this table.
3/8" diameter cartridge heater, 120 Vac
¥14,603 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥13,275)
納期: 7 週間
1 1/4" Sheath Length, 150 Watts
¥15,164 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥13,785)
納期: 7 週間
1 1/4" Sheath Length, 100 Watts
¥15,164 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥13,785)
納期: 6 週間
1 1/4" Sheath Length, 30 Watts
¥24,376 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥22,160)
納期: 7 週間
3/8" diameter cartridge heater, 120Vac, 200W
CIR-2015/120V/STYLE I/K/3/4
Custom - Refer to Specifications
¥15,263 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥13,875)
納期: 2 週間
1 1/2" Sheath Length, 50 Watts
¥15,846 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥14,405)
納期: 8 週間
1 3/4" Sheath Length, 125 Watts
¥16,110 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥14,645)
納期: 2 週間
1 1/2" Sheath Length, 150 Watts
¥24,376 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥22,160)
納期: 7 週間
Custom - See Specifications
¥16,159 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥14,690)
納期: 2 週間
2" Sheath Length, 300 Watts
¥17,677 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥16,070)
納期: 7 週間
2 1/2" Sheath Length, 300 Watts
2 1/2" Sheath Length, 300 Watts - Custom
¥17,677 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥16,070)
納期: 2 週間
2 3/8" Sheath Length, 75 Watts
¥25,900 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥23,545)
納期: 2 週間
4" Sheath Length, 400 Watts
¥21,181 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥19,255)
納期: 7 週間
4" Sheath Length, 500 Watts
¥19,498 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥17,725)
納期: 2 週間
5" Sheath Length, 200 Watts
¥24,701 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥22,455)
納期: 7 週間
6" Sheath Length, 400 Watts
¥24,684 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥22,440)
納期: 2 週間
7" Sheath Length, 250 Watts
¥32,901 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥29,910)
納期: 8 週間
10" Sheath Length, 600 Watts
3/8" diameter cartridge heater, 240 Vac
¥16,836 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥15,305)
納期: 2 週間
2" Sheath Length, 500 Watts
¥19,047 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥17,315)
納期: 8 週間
3" Sheath Length, 400 Watts
¥18,744 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥17,040)
納期: 8 週間
3" Sheath Length, 200 Watts
¥19,657 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥17,870)
納期: 7 週間
3 1/2" Sheath Length, 250 Watts
¥22,396 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥20,360)
納期: 2 週間
6" Sheath Length, 250 Watts
Ordering Example: (1) CIR-2054/240V 3/8, ¥18,980



(1) Code in Part Number(see table above) :
2012 : code 2012
2013 : code 2013
2014 : code 2014
2015 : code 2015
2016 : code 2016
2017 : code 2017
2017 : code 2017
2018 : code 2018
2019 : code 2019
2020 : code 2020
2021 : code 2021
2022 : code 2022
2023 : code 2023
2024 : code 2024
2025 : code 2025
2026 : code 2026
2027 : code 2027
2028 : code 2028
2029 : code 2029
2030 : code 2030
2031 : code 2031
2032 : code 2032
2033 : code 2033
2034 : code 2034
2035 : code 2035
2036 : code 2036
2037 : code 2037
2038 : code 2038
2039 : code 2039
2040 : code 2040
2041 : code 2041
2042 : code 2042
2043 : code 2043
2044 : code 2044
2045 : code 2045
2046 : code 2046
2047 : code 2047
2048 : code 2048
2049 : code 2049
2050 : code 2050
2051 : code 2051
2052 : code 2052
2053 : code 2053
2054 : code 2054
2055 : code 2055
2056 : code 2056
2057 : code 2057
2058 : code 2058
2059 : code 2059
2060 : code 2060
2061 : code 2061
2062 : code 2062
2063 : code 2063
2064 : code 2064
2065 : code 2065
2066 : code 2066
2067 : code 2067
2068 : code 2068
2070 : code 2070
2075 : code 2075
2076 : code 2076
2077 : code 2077
2079 : code 2079
2080 : code 2080
2081 : code 2081
2082 : code 2082
2085 : code 2085
2086 : code 2086
2089 : code 2089
2090 : code 2090
2091 : code 2091
2100 : code 2100
2101 : code 2101
2102 : code 2102
2120 : code 2120
2121 : code 2121
2122 : code 2122
2123 : code 2123
2150 : code 2150
2200 : code 2200
2240 : code 2240
20131 : code 20131
20151 : code 20151
20152 : code 20152
20172 : code 20172
20173 : code 20173
20191 : code 20191
20201 : code 20201
20202 : code 20202
20203 : code 20203
20204 : code 20204
20205 : code 20205
20206 : code 20206
20207 : code 20207
20209 : code 20209
20221 : code 20221
20222 : code 20222
20223 : code 20223
20224 : code 20224
20225 : code 20225
20226 : code 20226
20227 : code 20227
20251 : code 20251
20252 : code 20252
20253 : code 20253
20254 : code 20254
20301 : code 20301
20302 : code 20302
20303 : code 20303
20401 : code 20401
20402 : code 20402
20403 : code 20403
20404 : code 20404

(2) Voltage :
120V : 120 V
240V : 240 V
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
ご不明な場合は、カスタマーサービス(0120-040-572 もしくは jpesales@dwyeromega.com)へお問合せください。
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