フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Cryogenic Digital Thermometers

CYD211, CYD218E, and CYD218S

Cryogenic Thermometer | Cryogenic Temperature | CYD211, CYD218E, and CYD218S

Cryogenic Thermometer | Cryogenic Temperature

¥392,456 CYD211

1 year warranty CE
  • Single Input for Silicon Diode or RTD (CYD211)
  • Large 5-Digit LED Display
  • Retransmission Analog Output 0 to 10 V or 4 to 20 mA
  • RS-232C Serial Interface and Alarm Relays
  • Eight-Channel Input (CYD218)
  • Eight Simultaneous Displays (CYD218)
  • Range 1.4 to 800 K (CYD218)
  • Serial Interface (CYD218)
  • 16 High/Lo Alarms (CYD218)
  • Datalogging with Memory (CYD218)
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The model CYD211 Temperature Monitor provides the accuracy, resolution, and interface features of a benchtop temperature monitor in an easy to use, compact instrument. With appropriate sensors, the CYD211 measures temperature from 1.4 to 800 K and in difficult sensing conditions, including high vacuum and magnetic fields. Standard features on the CYD211 include alarms, relays, user-configurable analog voltage or current output, and a serial interface. The CYD211 is an ideal choice for liquefied gas storage/monitoring, cryopump control, cryo-cooler, and materials science applications, and for applications that require greater accuracy than thermocouples allow.
The CYD218 has all the features of the CTD211 plus 8 inputs for silicon diodes or PT RTD's, 16 Hi/Lo Alarms, latching or non-latching relays, Data Logging with 1500 point memory and printer output.
注文する (部品番号ビルダーより掲載以外の製品もご選択いただけます)(注文数を入力の上、"カートに追加"をクリックしてください)
¥431,702 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥392,456)
納期: 10 週間
Cryogenic Temperature monitor with Single input, 1/8 DIN, Silicon Diode monitor, 110 Vac power
¥386,925 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥351,750)
納期: 10 週間
Single input Cryogenic Monitor, 1/8 DIN, Silicon Diode monitor, 220V Powerd unit
¥1,092,025 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥992,750)
納期: 10 週間
8 RTD, 8 CY7, or 4 RTD & 4 CY7 temperature monitor, simultaneous display, RS-232,datalogger, and printer output
¥1,556,110 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥1,414,645)
納期: 10 週間
Same Features as the CYD218E with IEEE-488, relay and analog output
Accessories (Platinum Resistance Temperature Devices - RTD)
70 RTD, 14 to 873 K (2 x 20.3 mm long, 250 mg weight)
¥94,991 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥86,355)
納期: 10 週間
RTD, 14 to 873 K (1.8 x 12.1 mm long, 120 mg weight)
RTD, 14 to 673 K (1.8 x 5 mm long, 52 mg weight)
注: Each CYD211 and CYD218 unit supplied with Sensor Mating Connector, 120 V line cord, operator’s manual, and calibration certificate.
Ordering Example: (1) CYD211 Single input, 18 DIN, Silicon Diode monitor, ¥392,456
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