フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

OMEGABUS Series Four Channel Sensor to Computer Interface Modules

D5000 Series

OMEGABUS Series Four Channel Sensor to Computer Interface Modules | D5000 Series

¥67,155 D5111

1 year warranty CE
  • Four Channel Analog Input
  • Complete Sensor to RS-485 or RS-232C Interface
  • ASCII Format Command/ Response Protocol
  • 500 V RMS Analog Input Isolation
  • 15-Bit Measurement Resolution
  • Continuous Self-Calibration; No Adjustments of any Kind
  • Programmable Digital Filter
  • Requires +10 V to 30 Vdc Unregulated Supply
  • Transient Suppression on RS-485 Communications Lines
  • Screw Terminal Plug Connectors Supplied
USB、RS232、RS485、イーサネット接続機器 - 関連する商品を探す


The D5000 Four Channel Sensor to Computer Modules are a family of complete solutions designed for data acquisition systems based on personal computers and other processor-based equipment with standard serial I/O ports. The modules convert four analog input signals to engineering units and transmit in ASCII format to any host with standard RS-485 or RS-232C ports. These modules can measure temperature, voltage and current. The modules provide direct connection to a wide variety of sensors and perform all signal conditioning, scaling, linearization and conversion to engineering units.
The modules contain no pots or switches to be set. Features such as address, baud rate, parity, echo, etc. are selectable using simple commands over the communications port–without requiring access to the module. The selections are stored in nonvolatile EEPROM which maintains data even after power is removed.

The key to the D5000 series is that the modules are easy to use. You do not need engineering experience in complicated data acquisition hardware. With the D5000 series modules, anyone familiar with a personal computer can construct a data acquisition system. This modular approach to data acquisition is very flexible, easy to use and cost effective. The modules can be mixed and matched to fit your application. They can be placed remote from the host and from each other. You can string up to 30 modules on one set of wires by using RS-485 with repeaters.

All modules are supplied with screw-terminal plug connectors and captive mounting hardware. The connectors allow system expansion, reconfiguration or repair without disturbing field wiring.

D5000 modules are complete four-channel data acquisition systems. Each unit contains analog signal conditioning circuits optimized for a specific input type. The amplified sensor signals are converted to digital data with a microprocessor-controlled integrating A/D converter. Offset and gain errors in the analog circuitry are continuously monitored and corrected using microprocessor techniques. The D5000 converts the digital signal data into engineering units using look-up tables. The resultant data is stored in ASCII format in a memory buffer. The modules continuously convert data at the rate of 8 conversions per second and store the latest result in the buffer.

The host computer may request data by sending simple ASCII commands to the module.

The D5000 options include a unique programmable single pole digital filter. The filter is used to smooth analog data in noisy environments. Separate time constants may be specified for small and large signal changes. Typically, a large time constant is specified for small signal changes to filter out noise and provide stable output readings. A smaller time constant may be chosen for large signal changes to provide fast response to such changes.

The D5000 are designed to be easy to interface to all popular computers and terminals. All communications to and from the module are performed with printable ASCII The D5000 will instantly respond by communicating the ASCII buffer data back to the host.

The D5000 offers a variety of userselectable options including choice of address, baud rate, parity, echo, etc. All options are selectable using simple commands over the communications port. All options are stored in a nonvolatile EEPROM which maintains data even after power is removed.

COMMUNICATIONS The D5000 are designed to be easy to interface to all popular computers and terminals. All communications to and from the module are performed with printable ASCII characters. This allows the information to be processed with string functions common to most high-level languages such as BASIC. For computers that support standard ports such as RS-232C, no special machine language software drivers are necessary for operation.

RS-232C is not designed to be used as a multiparty system; however, the module can be daisychained to allow many modules to be connected to a single communications port. In this network, any characters transmitted by the host are received by each module in the chain and passed on to the next module until the information is echoed back to the host. If a module is correctly addressed and receives a valid command, it transmits a response on the daisy chain network. The response will be rippled through any other modules in the chain until it reaches the host. RS-485 was developed for multidropped systems that can communicate at high data rates over long distances. For systems requiring many modules, high speed or long distances, RS-485 is recommended.

To Order (Specify Model Number)
RS-232C Output
Model Number
RS-485 Output
Model Number
D5111D5112100 mV
D5121D51221 V
D5131D51325 V
D5141D514210 V
D5151D5152100 V
D5251D52524-20 mA
D5311D5312J (Iron-Constantan)
D5321D5322K (Chromel-Alumel)
D5331D5332T (Copper-Constantan)
D5341D5342E (Chromel-Constantan)
D5451D54522252 Ohm Thermistor

Channels: Four analog input
Maximum CMV: Input to output at 60 Hz: 500 V rms
Leakage: Input to output at 115 V rms, 60 Hz: <2µA rms
Resolution: 15-bit measurement
Conversion Speed: 8 conversions per second
Common Mode Rejection: 100 dB at 50/60 Hz
Calibration: Autozero, no adjustment pots.
Microcomputer: 8-bit CMOS
Filtering: Small and large signal digital filtering with user selectable time constants
Baud Rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Data Format: NRZ asynchronous; 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 parity bit and 1 stop bit
Parity: Odd, even, none
Address: User selectable address
Protocol: ASCII format
Multidrop Modules: Up to 30 per host serial port
Communications: Distance up to 4,000 feet (RS-485)
Transient Suppression: On RS-485 communication lines
Communications Error: Checking via checksum
Communications Setups: Stored in EEPROM
Unregulated: +10 V to +30 Vdc, 0.75W max. Protected against power supply reversals.
Temperature Range: Operating: -25 to +70°C
Storage: -25 to +85°C
Relative Humidity:
0 to 95% non-condensing
Input Ranges: ±100 mV, ±1 V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±100 Vdc
Resolution: 0.01% of FS (4 digits)
Accuracy: ±0.02% of FS max
Zero Drift: ±1 count max (autozero)
Span Tempco: ±50ppm/°C max
Input Burnout Protection: To 250 Vac. Input Impedance:
+1 V input = 100 M. min
+5 V input = 1 M. min
Current: 4-20 mAdc
Resolution: 0.04% of FS
Accuracy: 0.04% of FS
Zero Drift: ±1count max (autozero)
Span Tempco: ±50ppm/°C max
Voltage Drop: ±1.0V max
Thermocouple Types: J, K, T, E (factory set)
J= -200 to 760°C, K= -150 to 1250°C
T= -200 to 400°C E= -100 to 1000°C
Resolution: ±1°
Overall Accuracy: (error from all sources) from 0 to 40°C Ambient: ±1.0°C Typical
Input Impedance: 100 M. min
Lead Resistance Effect: <20µV per 350.
Open thermocouple and overrange indication
Input Burnout: Protection to 250
User Selectable: °C or °F
Thermistor Types: 2252 Ohm
Range: 0 to + 100°C
Resolution: 0.01°C or °F
Accuracy: ± 0.1°C
Input Protection: to 30 Vdc
User Selectable: °C or °F
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Voltage Input Modules
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
100 mV input, RS-232C output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 10 週間
100 mV input, RS-485 output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 10 週間
1 V input, RS-232C output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 10 週間
1 V input, RS-485 output
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theD5131
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
5 V input, RS-232C output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 10 週間
5 V input, RS-485 output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
10 V input, RS-232C output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
10 V input, RS-485 output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
100 V input, RS-232C output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
100 V input, RS-485 output
Current Input Modules
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
4 to 20 mA input, RS-232C output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 10 週間
4 to 20 mA input, RS-485 output
Thermocouple Input Modules
¥82,236 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥74,760)
納期: 10 週間
Type J thermocouple input, RS-232C output
¥82,236 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥74,760)
納期: 10 週間
Type J thermocouple input, RS-485 output
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theD5321
¥82,236 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥74,760)
納期: 2 週間
Type K thermocouple input, RS-232C output
¥86,763 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥78,875)
納期: 2 週間
Type K thermocouple input, RS-485 output
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theD5331
¥81,141 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥73,764)
納期: 10 週間
TypeT thermocouple input, RS-232C output
¥82,236 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥74,760)
納期: 2 週間
TypeT thermocouple input, RS-485 output
¥82,236 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥74,760)
納期: 10 週間
Type E thermocouple input, RS-232C output
¥82,236 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥74,760)
納期: 10 週間
Type E thermocouple input, RS-485 output
Thermistor Input Modules
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 8 週間
2252 ohm thermistor input, RS-232C output
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theD5452
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
2252 ohm thermistor input, RS-485 output
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
RS-232 to RS-485 Converter, 115 Vac power
¥73,871 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥67,155)
納期: 2 週間
RS-232 to RS-485 Converter, 230 Vac power
¥59,378 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥53,980)
納期: 10 週間
RS-232 to RS-485 Converter, 10-30 Vdc power
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theA1000-CABLE
¥4,851 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥4,410)
納期: 6 週間
5 ft. cable, male to female
注: Each unit is supplied with a complete operator's manual.
Ordering Example: (1) D5111 four channel 100 mV input module with RS-232C output, ¥67,155
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