フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

1/8 DIN Economical Temperature Meter - Discontinued


Easy to Use Temperature Panel Meter | DP460-T

Easy to Use Temperature Panel Meter


2 year warranty
  • Temperature Models Accurate to 0.5°C (0.9°F)
  • Versatile Temperature Meter with Selectable Thermocouple Input: J, K, T, E, R, S, and B
  • RTD Input: 0.00385 or 0.00392 alpha
  • 0.1°/1° Auto-Resolution
  • °F/°C Switchable Temperature Meter
  • Current and Voltage Selectable
  • 0.02% Accuracy, 1-Digit Repeatability
  • Pushbutton Digital Scaling and Offset
  • -999 to 9999 Display Range
  • DP460-E Has a Transmitter/Transducer Excitation Power Supply
  • 0 to 5 mV/V and 0 to 50 mV Selectable
  • Pushbutton Digital Display Range
  • -999 to 9999 Display Range
  • Built-in 10 Vdc Excitation Power Supply
  • Auto Re-Zero (Tare) Button
  • Multi-Channel Inputs (for Units Without Excitation Power Supply)
  • Single or Dual 5A Alarm Relays
  • Optional Benchtop Process and Temperature Meter Models Available. Review Related Links Below
温度表示器 (メータ) - 関連する商品を探す


Starting from Apr 13th 2018, DP460 Series will be discontinued. As a upgrade substitute, please check out the DPPT Series Panel Meter for details.

The DP460 Series is designed for a variety of temperature, current, voltage, strain gage and load cell measuring applications. Excellent accuracy and small size combine to make it the ideal choice for most industrial indications.
The DP460-T and DP460-RTD temperature measurement models feature a unique 0.1° or 1° automatic resolution (unless the instrument is programmed to display 1° only).This temperature meter is selectable among nine temperature sensors or thermocouple types, J, K, T, E, R, S, and B or 100 ohm; 3- wire, Platinum RTD’s for either .00385 or .00392 alpha. Behind the snap-off lens, each of these nine thermocouples can be selected via a miniature rotary switch. No calibration is required to switch between thermocouple types. Another miniature DIP switch selects between °F or °C display.
The DP460-V voltage models allow selection between mA or voltage input with a switch easily accessible behind the snap-off front lens. Full scales are 0 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V. These or any subset ( e.g., 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V) can be scaled. Two simple pushbuttons conveniently located behind the snap-off lens are used to set zero (Lo), full scale (Hi) and a decimal point. The indicator can be scaled within its wide -999 to 9999 display count.
The DP460-S strain gage models are compatible with both bonded-foil type (2 mV/V, 3 mV/V, 4 mV/V) transducers and higher output, semiconductor (10 mV/V, 20 mV/V, 30 mV/V) type strain gages. Its microprocessor design and ratiometric measuring circuit assure high accuracy with superior repeatability. Scaling and calibrating the DP460-S to display engineering units from the strain gage input is similar to the DP460- V models. There are no pots to drift nor complicated formulas to compute to set DIP switch gain ranges. It can achieve sensitivities as low as 1 µV per count and can be scaled anywhere within its wide -999 to 9999 display count.
The alarm option provides single (ALM) or dual (ALM2) limit setpoints that can be set to any point within the DP460 series’ measuring range. The user digitally adjusts the setpoint by pressing two buttons located on the front panel. Selection of Hi or Lo (single) alarm or Hi and Lo (dual) alarms is set by moving a jumper located on the option card. You can view the setpoint by pressing the View button on the front panel. A light on the front panel illuminates red for the single alarm or red/yellow (dual alarm) when the alarm trips.
The DP462 meter has the ability to switch between up to six sensor inputs of the same type with its multi-input option. A miniature rotary switch, accessible from the front panel, allows convenient switching between inputs. Sensor hook-up is a snap-on/off terminal block located at the rear of the instrument. It is easy to modify a basic DP460 model and add the multi-input board (DP460-206 or DP460-403) in the field.
The Rack Adaptor Plate permits easy mounting of DP460 Series indicators in standard 483 mm (19") instrument racks. Four versions are available for mounting 1, 2, 3 or 4 indicators.

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Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theDP460-T
Panel meter (Single Input)
Panel meter with alarm board
Base temperature meter for RTD input
¥91,031 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥82,755)
納期: 2 週間
Meter with single alarm relay output for voltage
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theDP462-T
Base temperature meter with multi-channel thermocouple input
Plug-in board: Single 5A hi/low alarm
Plug-in board: Dual 5A hi/low alarms
19" Rack mount for three meters
-E and S inputs are not available for the DP462 models.
-Each instrument supplied with user's manual and self-adhesive engineering unit front panel labels.
-Only one option board can be installed into a DP460 base meter and DP460-206 cannot be used with models with '-E' or '-S' inputs.



(1) Temperature Meters :
DP460 : Base meter
DP461 : Meter with single alarm relay output
DP461A : Meter with dual alarm relay output
DP462 : Meter with six-channel inputs/E and S inputs are not available for the DP462 models

(2) Input Types :
T : Thermocouple input
RTD : RTD input
V : Voltage
E : Voltage with 10 Vdc exitation
S : Strain input with 10 Vdc exitation
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
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