The DPF11 miniature batcher is
ideal for all batching applications.
The display will show Batch
Amount, Rate and Batch/Grand
Total at the push of a button. The
Start and Stop buttons make
batching simple.
The DPF11 is a 6-digit totalizer and
4.5 digit ratemeter with two relay
outputs. One output is dedicated to
the Batch Amount (Preset A), the
other can be activated for Prewarn
or Batch/Grand Total. The unit can
count up to the preset (reset to 0) or
down from the preset (set to preset).
Start, Stop and Reset functions can
be activated from the front panel or
remote inputs.
An analog output (assignable for
Rate or Batch Amount) is optional
for data logging.
Up to 99 units can communicate to
a host computer on a single RS232
or RS422 loop.
SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy: 0.01% FS (±1 display digit) Display: 6-digit, 13.97 mm (0.55") high LED (±1 display digit) Input Power: 110 Vac ±15%, 220 Vac ±15%, 24 Vac ±15% Current: 250 mA dc max or 6.5 VA AC Output Power: (AC powered units only) 12 Vdc @ 50 mA, unregulated -10 +50% Temperature: Operating: 0°C to 54°C (32 to 130°F) Storage: -40 to 93°C (-40 to 200°F) Humidity: 0 to 90% RH, non-condensing Memory: EEPROM stores data for 10 years if power is lost Approvals: CE approved Pulse Input: Low = 0-1 Vdc, High = 4 to 30 Vdc 10 kΩ impedance,up to 10 kHz; min 0.05 Hz for rate indication Mag. Input: 30 mV input, (50V max) signals 10 KΩ imp. 5 kHz max Output Relays: (2) Rated 5 Amps, 120/240 Vac or 28 Vdc (NC relay contacts and NPN transistor output available with solder jumpers) Panel Cutout: 92 W x 45 H x 108 mm D (3.622 x 1.772 x 4.245") Shipping Weight: 9 kg (2 lb)
注: Comes complete with operator's manual, mounting bracket, gasket, and two screws.
For 220 Vac power, add suffix "-220Vac" to model number, no additional cost.
For 24 Vac power add suffix "-24Vac" to model number, no additional charge.
For RS-232 or RS-422 output, add suffix "-RS232" or "-RS422" to model number, add $130 to price.
For field-selectable 4-20 or 0-20 mA output, add suffix "-A" to model number, add $135 to price.
Ordering Example: (1) DPF11-RS232 ratemeter/batch controller with RS-232 output, ¥139,680