FLR-1600A AND FLV-4600A Series
Water Flowmeters and Controllers for Low Flow
Response Time of 20 milliseconds Typical (Meter)
Turndown Ratio of 50:1
Push Button Tare (with Display)
Accuracy of ±2% Full Scale
NIST Traceability Standard
Portable versions available
Minimum flow is 0.01 ml/min
For use with pure, distilled or deionized water
タービン流量計 (羽根車式) - 関連する商品を探す
Comes complete with 24 Vdc universal power supply, 1.8m (6') cable, 8-pin male Mini-DIN connector, operator's manual, and NIST certificate.
††Portable versions "-B" have an integral battery compartment and come complete with 24 Vdc universal power supply, 1.8m (6') cable, 8-pin male Mini-Din connector, operator's manual, NIST certificate and 9V battery installed. Portable version is not available on models with 4 to 20 mA output.
Calibrations done at ambient (21°C/70°F) temperature only.
To replace the standard RS232 communications with RS485, add suffix "-RS485" to model number, add $120 to price.
**Optional secondary output are scaled the same as the primary output scale:
For alternate Temperature output scale, add suffix "-T" to the model number, no additional cost.
For alternate Pressure output scale, add suffix "-P" to the model number, add $175 to cost.
NOTE: Models with secondary output for pressure include optional gauge pressure sensor.
For units scaled in CFH, add suffix "-CFH" to model number, no additional cost. Specify required range in CFH.
For totalizer option, add suffix "-TOT" to model number, add 120. to the price. Please specify resolution. This is a 6-digit cvounter. Examples: For totalzing in liters with 1/100 liter resolution, the max count would be 9999.99. For totalizing in liters with 1 liter resolution, the max count would be 999999.
For a Remote Display, add suffix "-RD-*FT" to the model number, add $210 to the price. Replace the * in the suffix with the required length in whole feet, the maximum length is 3.6576 m (12'). Please note the optimum distance in feet is between 2.7 to 3 m (9 to 10').
Ordering Example: (1) FLR-1601A 10-32 Thread Water Flow Meter, ¥512,290
Type :FLR : Water Flow Meter
FLV : Water Flow Controller
Code in Part Number :1601A : code 1601A
1602A : code 1602A
1614A : code 1614A
1615A : code 1615A
1603A : code 1603A
1616A : code 1616A
1604A : code 1604A
1617A : code 1617A
1618A : code 1618A
1619A : code 1619A
1620A : code 1620A
1605A : code 1605A
1606A : code 1606A
1607A : code 1607A
4604A : code 4604A
4617A : code 4617A
4618A : code 4618A
4619A : code 4619A
Output :オプション選択がない場合
-I : 4-20 mA output
-I2 : second channel output of 4-20mA
-V2 : second channel output of 0-5 Volts
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
ご不明な場合は、カスタマーサービス(0120-040-572 もしくは jpesales@dwyeromega.com)へお問合せください。