フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Insertion Paddlewheel Flow Sensors


Insertion Paddlewheel Flow Sensors | FP7001A

Insertion Paddlewheel Flow Sensors

¥76,270 FP7001A

2 year warranty
  • Measures Both Flow and Temperature Simultaneously
  • Very Economical
  • Wide Chemical Compatibility
  • High Level Pulse Output for Flow - No Amplifier Needed
  • 10mV/°C Analog Temperature Output
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The OMEGA™ FP7001A paddlewheel flow and temperature sensor is ideal for accurate monitoring of typical industrial water flows, hard-to-handle corrosive aqueous solutions, and high purity fluids . The FP7001A utilizes a paddlewheel-like rotor whose motion is converted into a high-level square wave pulse output by an open collector Hall effect sensor. Pulse amplitudes from 5 to 18 V are possible, depending on input power. The FPW-15 120 Vac converter plugs directly into a wall socket and outputs a regulated 15 Vdc at 400 mA.

The DPF700 Series panel meter supplies power for the flow sensor and provides rate indication, or totalization and batch control (when ordered with the dual relay option). When ordered with the analog output option, the DPF700 can be used to interface the FP7001A flow signal to such items as strip chart recorders, dataloggers, and computer interfaces.

The system consists of the flow sensor, an installing fitting, and the electronics. The PVC tee fittings are supplied with a PVC locking nut, and the galvanized iron tee fittings are supplied with a brass locking nut to provide secure metal-to-metal mounting to the threaded brass insert.

The FP7001A is not compatible with FP-5300 or FMG-5300 Series installation fittings. When powered by the FPW-5 five Vdc wall socket converter, the FP7001A has a TTL level pulse output which can be used with a variety of pulse input flow indicators, signal conditioners and controllers. It is not compatible with the FPM 5500/5740.

Accuracy: ±2% of full scale
Repeatability: ±1% of full scale
Power: 5 to 18 Vdc @ 10 mA maximum
Wetted Materials: FP7001A sensor: polypropylene body, PVDF paddle, FKM O-ring, 316SS shaft. Galvanized iron tee includes brass insert and locking nut. PVC tee has PVC insert and locking nut.
Fluid Temperature/Pressure Range: Do not exceed the maximum ratings of your piping. Depending on the material of the fitting, the operating temperature/pressure may be limited by your piping and not by the sensor. For all PVC tee fittings, do not exceed 150 psig @ 27°C (80°F), 100 psig @ 38°C (100°F), 60 psig @ 49°C (120°F) 30 psig @ 60°C (140°F), due to the insert in the tee. FP7001A sensor: 0 to 26°C (32 to 80°F) up to 150 psig; max. pressure decreases 1.1 psig per each 0.56°C (1°F) above 27°C (80°F) for a max temperature of 93°C (200°F) at 18 psig max
Frequency Output: Nominal 1 Hz/fps; amplitude of open collector pulse = Vdc input power
Cable Length: 2.4 m (8')
Weight: 0.2 kg (1/2 lb); FP7030 fitting: 4.3 kg (9.5 lb); FP7030-GI fitting: 2.8 kg (6.25 lb)
Max Viscosity: 5 cps
Temperature Sensor Specifications
Range: 2 to 150°C (36 to 302°F)
Accuracy: ±1°C
Output: 10 mV/°C
Power: 5 to 18 Vdc
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(税抜価格 ¥76,270)
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¥45,276 (税込)
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¥27,929 (税込)
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¥39,512 (税込)
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¥36,482 (税込)
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¥36,218 (税込)
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¥37,868 (税込)
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2" Galvanized Iron Tee
¥37,868 (税込)
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2-1/2" PVC Tee
¥51,923 (税込)
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2-1/2 " Galvanized Iron Tee
¥45,276 (税込)
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3" PVC Tee
¥61,248 (税込)
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¥62,144 (税込)
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Transmitter module for FP7001A
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15 Vdc power supply
注: Comes with operator's manual.
Ordering Example:  (1) DPI8 Display for temperature sensor, ¥56,495  plus (1) FP7001A paddlwheel sensor with temperature sensor, ¥76,270  plus (1) FP7007 3/4, ¥25,295, ¥56,495 + 76,270 + 25,295 = ¥158,060
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