¥74,535 HHLM112SD
The HHLM112SD has a large backlit display for easy viewing of light levels. Comes complete with light probe with protective cover and can measure a wide range of either LUX or footcandles. Applications include indoor light and work area lighting monitoring and verification useful for facilities engineers, building maintenance personnel and anyone who wants to measure illuminance. Ideal for Industrial and commercial photography and videography applications. Because it is microprocessor-based, the HHLM112SD can make full use of the portability, reliability and large storage capacities that SD memory cards offer. Measurements can be made automatically at any sampling rate between one second and one hour. After the instrument timestamps and stores the measurements on an SD card plugged into it, the user can remove the card and plug it into a laptop or desktop computer either directly or via a USB card reader. The logged data is stored on the card as files that can be opened by Microsoft’s Excel application. Unit accepts SD memory cards as large as 16 GB. Temperature measurements are made using a Type K or J thermocouple. The HHLM112SD is powered by 6 “AA” alkaline batteries or an optional AC adaptor.