フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

KK-(*) Series

Kapton Insulated Thermocouple Wire | KK-(*) Series

Kapton Insulated Thermocouple Wire


Fused Kapton® tape applied to conductors and jackets. Excellent moisture and abrasion resistance, high dielectric strength (7 kV/mil) retains much physical integrity after gamma radiation. FEP is used as adhesive binding agent (melts at approx. 500°F). In many stationary applications the wire can potentially withstand 600°F for prolonged time periods due to bi-directional overlapping insulation design.

Examples of pricing for popular models is referenced in the "To Order" box. Use the "Part Number Builder" below to get pricing for other available models.

For complete product specifications see the "Specs" link above.
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¥57,453 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥52,230)
納期: 9 週間
20 gage, type J, solid, kapton insulated thermocouple wire in 100 ft. spools.
¥31,669 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥28,790)
納期: 9 週間
24 gage, type J, stranded, kapton insulated thermocouple wire in 50 ft. spools.
¥14,328 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥13,025)
納期: 8 週間
30 gage, type J, solid, kapton insulated thermocouple wire in 25 ft. spools.
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¥101,061 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥91,873)
納期: 9 週間
20 gage, type K, solid, kapton insulated thermocouple wire in 200 ft. spools.
¥225,786 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥205,260)
納期: 2 週間
24 gage, type K, stranded, kapton insulated thermocouple wire in 500 ft. spools.
¥244,541 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥222,310)
納期: 9 週間
30 gage, type K, solid, kapton insulated thermocouple wire in 1000 ft. spools.
注: Kapton® wire is not ANSI color coded. The Positive leg is identified by a string in the insulation.
Ordering Example: (1) KK-J-20S-100 20 gage, type J, solid, kapton® insulated thermocouple wire in 100 ft., ¥66,700



(1) Kapton® Insulated Thermocouple Wire :
KK-J-20 : 20 gage/type J/solid/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-J-20S : 20 gage/type J/stranded/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-J-24 : 24 gage/type J/solid/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-J-24S : 24 gage/type J/stranded/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-J-30 : 30 gage/type J/solid/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-K-20 : 20 gage/type K/solid/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-K-20S : 20 gage/type K/stranded/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-K-24 : 24 gage/type K/solid/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-K-24S : 24 gage/type K/stranded/kapton insulated thermocouple wire
KK-K-30 : 30 gage/type K/solid/kapton insulated thermocouple wire

(2) Wire Length :
25 : 25 ft.
50 : 50 ft.
100 : 100 ft.
200 : 200 ft.
500 : 500 ft.
1000 : 1000 ft.
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
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