フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Spring Loaded Industrial Thermocouples with Protection Head

NB-TBSL Series

Spring Loaded Industrial Thermocouples with Protection Head | NB-TBSL Series

Spring Loaded Industrial Thermocouples with Protection Head

¥23,065 NB1-ICIN-116G-12-TBSL

  • Non-sealed Design For Use With Thermowells
  • Made with Special Limits of Error Thermocouple Material
  • Approx. 1/2" of Travel Length
  • 1/2" NPT Mounting Threads Standard
  • Spring Loaded Provides Tip Contact For Faster Response When Used with Thermowells
  • Grounded, Ungrounded, and Exposed Thermocouple Junctions Standard
  • Pressure Inside Head Equals Pressure Around Probe
熱電対 - 関連する商品を探す


These spring loaded probe assemblies offer a choice of two styles of protection heads to meet environmental and size requirements. The probes can move up to 1/2 " in the direction of the head''s axis. The thermocouples are available in J, K, T or E calibrations, with either 304SS or Inconel® sheathing (high temperature Super OMEGACLAD™XL or 321SS provided on request).
Standard lengths are 12" including 1/2" for the pipe thread in the relaxed state. Other probe lengths are available. Both the thread on the spring loaded probe and the extension wire opening are 1/2" NPT. The NB2 head includes a compression fitting nut and rubber ferrule for 1/8" to 1/4" O.D. wires or tubing.

The moving internal terminal block with attached probe is standard on all models. Consult the Custom Engineering Dept. for price and delivery on a wide variety of non-metallic and other specialized heads.

View the Thermocouple Accuracy and Color Code charts
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¥25,372 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥23,065)
納期: 6 週間
Spring-Loaded probe with cast iron head, type J calibration, inconel sheath, 1/16" O.D., grounded junction, 12" length
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with theNB1-ICSS-14U-12-TBSL
¥29,189 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥26,535)
納期: 2 週間
Spring-Loaded probe with cast iron head, type J calibration, 304 SS sheath, 1/4" O.D., ungrounded junction, 12" length
¥25,372 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥23,065)
納期: 6 週間
Spring-Loaded probe with aluminum head, type K calibration, inconel sheath, 1/8" O.D., exposed junction, 12" length
¥26,516 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥24,105)
納期: 6 週間
Spring-Loaded probe with aluminum head, type K calibration, 304 SS sheath, 3/16" O.D., ungrounded junction, 12" length
¥25,372 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥23,065)
納期: 6 週間
Spring-Loaded probe with aluminum head, type E calibration, 304 SS sheath, 1/16" O.D., grounded junction, 12" length
¥25,751 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥23,410)
納期: 6 週間
Spring-Loaded probe with cast iron head, type T calibration, inconel sheath, 3/16" O.D., exposed junction, 12" length
¥28,980 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥26,345)
納期: 6 週間
Spring-Loaded probe with cast iron head, type T calibration, inconel sheath, 1/4" O.D., ungrounded junction, 12" length
注: Probe length includes approx. 1/2" allowance for threads.
To order probes with lengths other than 12", consult sales for pricing or enter std part number and indicate length desired in "special instructions" when you checkout.
Ordering Example: (1) NB2-CASS-316G-12-TBSL spring-loaded probe with NB2-type aluminum head, type K calibration, 3 / 16, ¥23,410  plus (1) NB2-CASS-316G-12-TBSL spring-loaded probe with NB2-type aluminum head, type K calibration, 3 / 16 " O.D., 304 SS sheath, 12" L, ¥23,410, ¥23,410 + 23,410 = ¥46,820



(1) Thermocouple Head Type :
NB1 : Cast Iron
NB2 : Miniture aluminum

(2) Thermocouple Type :
ICIN : J type with inconel sheath
ICSS : J type with 304 stainless sheath
CAIN : K type with inconel sheath
CASS : K type with 304 stainless steel sheath
CXIN : E type with inconel sheath
CXSS : E type with 304 stainless steel sheath
CPIN : T type with inconel sheath
CPSS : T type with 304 stainless steel sheath

(3) Sheath Diameter :
116 : 1/16 inch
18 : 1/8 inch
316 : 3/16 inch
14 : 1/4 inch

(4) Thermocouple Junction :
G : Grounded
U : Ungrounded
E : Exposed
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
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