フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

RS-232 to USB Interface Converter


RS-232 to USB Interface Converter | OM-CONV-USB

RS-232 to USB Interface Converter

¥5,005 OM-CONV-USB

  • Powered from USB Cable - No External Power Required
  • Data Transfer Rate >1Mbps
  • Includes Driver Software
  • Plug-and-Play
通信機器 - 関連する商品を探す


The OM-CONV-USB USB to serial I/O converter provides a single USB to RS-232 serial port providing USB connectivity to non-USB compliant devices. Simply install the included software and connect the converter to your USB port. The device is immediately recognized by the system. At that point, simply connect the converter to your serial device such as a modem, scale, serial printer, or other instrument. Now your non-USB peripherals can have the same connection simplicity and ease of use as USB devices.

USB Specification Rev 1.1 compliant and above
Data Rate: >1Mbps
Cable Length: 1.2 m (4')
System Requirements: IBM PC 486DX4-100MHz CPU or higher or compatible system,
available USB port, CD ROM drive, WIN XP/VISTA
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¥5,505 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥5,005)
納期: 2 週間
RS-232 to USB interface converter
注: Comes with USB drivers on mini-CD and complete operator’s manual.
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