The OM-USB-1608FS Series consists of the
following low-cost, analog and digital I/O modules:
• OM-USB 1608FS • OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS
These modules provide eight single-ended (SE),
simultaneous-sampling 16-bit analog inputs, eight DIO,
one event counter, one external digital trigger input, and
one bidirectional external clock.
Everything you need to begin acquiring, viewing, and
storing data is included with each OM-USB-1608FS
Series module, including comprehensive software
OM-USB-1608FS Series modules ship with an
impressive array of software, including the new
TracerDAQ®, a full-featured, out-of-the-box data logging,
viewing, and analysis application. Driver support and
detailed example programs are included
For Universal Library programming libraries for
Microsoft® Visual Studio® programming languages, and
other languages, including DASYLab®, and ULx for NI
LabVIEW® (comprehensive library of Vls and example
programs compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit
LabVIEW v8.5 through 2013) and InstaCal™
installation, calibration and test utility-powerful solutions
for programmers and nonprogrammers alike. These
modules operate under Microsoft Windows® XP (32-
bit only) and VISTA/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit) operating
The OM-USB-1608FS Series data acquisition
modules are supplied with TracerDAQ software which
is a collection of four virtual instrument applications
used to graphically display and store input data and
generate output signals:
• Strip Chart—Log and graph values acquired from analog inputs, digital inputs, temperature inputs and counter inputs
• Oscilloscope—Display values acquired from analog inputs
• Function Generator—Generate waveforms for analog outputs
• Rate Generator—Generate waveforms for counter outputs
TracerDAQ PRO is an enhanced version of TracerDAQ. A comparison of some of the features included in TracerDAQ vs. TracerDAQ PRO is shown on the PDF.
Both modules provide eight single-ended (SE) 16-bit
analog input channels with a dedicated A/D converter
per channel for simultaneous sampling. The devices
offer software-selectable analog input ranges for
±10V, ±5V, ±2V, and ±1V.
OM-USB-1608FS Series modules offer the following
sampling rates when scanning continuously to
computer memory (hardware-paced mode):
• OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS - Total rate of 400 kS/s
divided by the number of channels sampled;
maximum rate of 100 kS/s per channel.
• OM-USB-1608FS - Total rate of 100 kS/s divided
by the number of channels sampled; maximum rate
of 50 kS/s per channel.
In hardware paced mode, both modules can acquire
data from up to eight channels simultaneously. The
analog data is continuously acquired, converted to digital
values, temporarily stored in the onboard FIFO buffer,
and periodically uploaded to the computer.
The channel-gain queue lets you configure a list of
channels and gains for each scan. Each channel can
have a different gain setting. The gain settings are
stored in a channel-gain queue list that is written to
local memory on the device. The channel-gain queue
list for both modules can contain up to eight unique
channels. On the OM-USB-1608FS, the channels must
be consecutive and listed in increasing order. On the
OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS, the channels can be nonconsecutive,
but still must be listed in increasing order.
Both modules provide eight digital I/O connections.
Each digital channel is individually-configurable for
input or output. When configured for input, you can use
the digital I/O terminals to detect the state of any TTL
level input. On the OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS, the digital
I/O channels are high-drive (24 mA) connections.
The OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS has a 32-bit event
counter that can accept a signal up to 1 MHz. The
internal counter increments when the TTL levels
transition from low to high.
Each OM-USB-1608FS Series module has a
bidirectional external clock terminal. When configured
for input, A/D conversions can be paced by an
external source.
The OM-USB-1608FS supports TTL-level input signals
up to 50 kHz.
The OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS supports TTL-level input
signals up to 100 kHz.
When configured for output, both devices can pace
A/D conversions on a second device and acquire data
from all input channels simultaneously.
OM-USB-1608FS Series modules provide an external
digital trigger input.
The OM-USB-1608FS trigger mode is edge sensitive
and software-selectable for rising or falling edge.
The OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS trigger mode is edge or
level sensitive. Edge sensitive is software-selectable
for rising or falling edge. Level sensitive is softwareselectable
for high or low level.
Each OM-USB-1608FS Series module ships fully
calibrated and can be re-calibrated at the factory.
The OM-USB-1608FS also supports user calibration.
SPECIFICATIONS ANALOG INPUT A/D Converter Type: 16-bit successive approximation type Channels: 8 single-ended Input Configuration: Individual A/D per channel Sampling Method: Simultaneous Absolute Maximum Input Voltage: CHx IN Relative to GND: ±15V max Input Impedance: 100 MΩ min Input Ranges: ±10V, ±5V, ±2 V, ±1V; software-selectable per channel Sampling Rate (Hardware Paced) OM-USB-1608FS: 0.6 S/s to 50 kS/s, software-selectable OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 0.01 S/s to 100 kS/s, software-selectable Throughput Software Paced: 500 S/s all channels Hardware Paced (System-Dependent): OM-USB-1608FS: (100 kS/s)/(# of channels) max, 50 kS/s max for any channel OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: (400 kS/s)/(# of channels) max, 100 kS/s max for any channel Burst Scan ≤ 32,768 Total Samples (Uses Onboard FIFO): OM-USB-1608FS: (200 kS/s)/(# of channels) max, 50 kS/s max for any channel OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: (800 kS/s)/(# of channels) max, 100 kS/s max for any channel Gain Queue: OM-USB-1608FS: Up to eight elements; one gain element per unique, consecutive channel; software-selectable OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: Up to eight elements; one gain element per unique, ordered channel; software-selectable Resolution: 16 bits No Missing Codes: OM-USB-1608FS: 15 bits OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 16 bits Crosstalk (Signal DC to 25 kHz): -80 dB CAL Output (OM-USB-1608FS Only): 0.625V, 1.25V, 2.5V, 5V CAL Output Accuracy (OM-USB-1608FS Only): 0.5% typ, 1.0% max (actual values used for calibration are measured and stored in EEPROM) CAL Current (OM-USB-1608FS Only): ±5 mA max Trigger Source (Software-Selectable) External Digital: TRIG_IN
DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT Digital Type: OM-USB-1608FS: CMOS OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 5V TTL Number of I/O: 8 (DIO0 through DIO7) Configuration: Independently configured for input or output Pull-Up/Pull-Down Configuration: All pins pulled up to 5V via 47 kΩ resistors (default). May be changed to pull-down using an internal jumper (OM-USB-1608FS hardware revisions E and later may be changed to pull-down using an internal user-configurable jumper. Previous revisions can be configured for pull-down at the factory). Input High Voltage Threshold: 2.0V min Input High Voltage Limit: 5.5V absolute max Input Low Voltage Threshold: 0.8V max Input Low Voltage Limit: -0.5V absolute min; 0V recommended min Output High Voltage: OM-USB-1608FS (IOH = –2.5 mA): 3.8V min OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 4.4V min (IOH = -50 µA); 3.76V min (IOH = -24 mA) Output Low Voltage: OM-USB-1608FS (IOL = 2.5 mA): 0.44V max OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 0.1V max (IOL = 50 µA); 0.44V max (IOL = 24 mA) Power On and Reset State: Input
EXTERNAL TRIGGER Trigger Source (External Digital): TRIG_IN Trigger Mode (Software-Selectable): OM-USB-1608FS: Edge sensitive: user configurable for CMOS compatible rising or falling edge OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: Edge sensitive or level sensitive: user configurable for CMOS compatible rising or falling edge, high or low level Trigger Latency: OM-USB-1608FS: 10 µs max OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 2 µs + 1 pacer clock cycle max Trigger Pulse Width: 1 µs min Input Type: Schmitt trigger, 47 kΩ pull-down to ground Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis: 1.01V typ, 0.6V min, 1.5V max Input High Voltage Threshold: 2.43V typ, 1.9V min, 3.1V max Input High Voltage Limit: 5.5V absolute max Input Low Voltage Threshold: 1.42V typ, 1.0V min, 2.0V max Input Low Voltage Limit: -0.5V absolute min, 0V recommended min
EXTERNAL CLOCK I/O Pin Name: SYNC Pin Type: Bidirectional Direction (Software-Selectable): Input: Receives A/D pacer clock from external source; Output: Outputs internal A/D pacer clock Input Clock Rate: OM-USB-1608FS: 50 kHz max OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 100 kHz max Clock Pulse Width: Input: 1 μs min Output: OM-USB-1608FS: 5 μs min OM-USB-1608FS-PLUS: 4 μs min Input Clock Mode: Edge sensitive, rising edge Input Type: Schmitt trigger, 47 kΩ pull-down to ground Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis: 1.01V typ, 0.6V min,
1.5V max Input High Voltage Threshold: 2.43V typ, 1.9V min,
3.1V max Input High Voltage Limit: 5.5V absolute max Input Low Voltage Threshold: 1.42V typ, 1.0V min,
2.0V max Input Low Voltage Limit: -0.5V absolute min,
0V recommended min Output High Voltage: 4.4V min (IOH = -50 μA),
3.80V min (IOH = -8 mA) Output Low Voltage: 0.1V max (IOL = 50 μA),
0.44V max (IOL = 8 mA)
COUNTER Pin Name: CTR Counter Type: Event counter Number Of Channels: 1 Input Type: Schmitt trigger, 47 kΩ pull-down to ground Input Source: CTR screw terminal Resolution: 32 bits Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis: 1.01V typ, 0.6V min,
1.5V max High Voltage Threshold: 2.43V typ, 1.9V min,
3.1V max Input High Voltage Limit: 5.5V absolute max Input Low Voltage Threshold: 1.42V typ, 1.0V min,
2.0V max Input Low Voltage Limit: -0.5V absolute min,
0V recommended min Input Frequency: 1 MHz max High Pulse Width: 500 ns min Low Pulse Width: 500 ns min
POWER Supply Current USB Enumeration: < 100 mA Including DIO and SYNC Output Loading: < 500 mA +5V USB Power Available (Connected to
Externally-Powered Root Port Hub or a Self-
Powered Hub): 4.5V min, 5.25V max Output Current (Total Amount of Current that can
be Sourced from the USB 5V and Digital Outputs):
300 mA max
GENERAL Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 70°C
(32 to 158°F), 0 to 90% RH non-condensing Storage Temperature Range: -40 to 70°C
(-40 to 158°F), 0 to 90% RH non-condensing Communications: USB 2.0 hi-speed mode (480
Mbps) is recommended; otherwise USB 1.1 full-speed
mode (12 Mbps) Microcontroller Type: High performance 32-bit RISC Signal I/O Connector Type: Screw terminal USB Cable Length: 3 m (9.84') max Dimensions: 79 L x 82 W x 27 mm H (3.10 x 3.20 x 1.05") Weight: 91 g (3.2 oz)
注: Comes complete with 1.8 m (6') USB cable, TracerDAQ software and user manual on CD. Ordering Example: (1) SWD-TRACERDAQ-PRO TracerDAQ-PRO software, ¥60,535
16-Bit Multifunction USB Data Acquisition Module
8 Channel 16-Bit 8 Multifunction USB Data Aquisition Module