フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Steam Sterilizable 12 mm Electrodes

ORE-5432, DOE-5431, PHE-5432

Steam Sterilizable 12 mm Electrodes | ORE-5432, DOE-5431, PHE-5432

Steam Sterilizable 12 mm Electrodes

¥46,170 PHE-5432-10

  • 16 Month Shelf Life
  • High Temperature Environment
  • Continuous Processing Applications
  • Harsh Conditions
  • Steam Sterilization
  • Universal Industrial Electrodes
  • Strong Glass or PPS Construction
  • Universal Mounting with Available 316 Stainless Steel Installation Fittings
  • -5 to 135°C (25 to 275°F) Operating Temperature
  • Porous PTFE Double Junction
  • 10 ft. Cable Length with BNC Connector Standard
  • -30°C (-22°F) Shipping Temperature
工業用:電極 / 校正液 - 関連する商品を探す


The PHE-5432 is a steam-sterilizable combination pH electrode designed to withstand high temperatures and pressures. The use of a porous PTFE liquid double junction and specifically formulated low impedance glass membrane allows it to function in the broadest spectrum of pH applications. This combination of features permits extended periods of pH measurement in the presence of poisoning ions or where membrane leaching would shorten the life of a conventional electrode. Melting of the cable due to contact with steam lines and motion generated noise are common problems with interconnecting cables on steam sterilizable electrodes. Our proprietary TPE high temperature/ultra-low noise cable is designed for optimal service, even in this demanding environment.

pH Range: 0 to 14 pH
Temperature Range: -5 to 135°C (23 to 275°F) @ 25 psig
Maximum Pressure: 500 psig @ 25°C (77°F)
Accuracy: ±0.1% over full range
Sodium Error: Less than 0.05 pH in 0.1 Molar Na+ ion @ 12.8 pH
Reference Cell: Double Junction KNO3 and KCl/AgCl
Reference Junction: Porous PTFE
Zero Potential: 7.0 pH ±0.2 pH
Wetted Materials: PTFE, glass membrane, glass outer body.
Drift: Less than 2 mV per week

Model PHE-5432-10 ORE-5432-10
Range0 to 14 pH±1999mV
JunctionPTFE Double PTFE Double
Pressure500 psi @ 25°C500 psi @ 25°C

Fittings Selection Guide
Model No. Description Model No. Description
PHEH-511/2" MNPT, 316 Stainless SteelPHEH-51F1' to 11/2" Sanitary Flange, 316SS
PHEH-51S3/4" MNPT, 316 Stainless SteelPHEH-52F2' Sanitary Flange, 316SS
PHEH-521" MNPT, 316 Stainless Steel
PHEH-51PG25mm Port Gland 316 Stainless SteelPHEH-54F4' Sanitary Flange, 316SS

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¥50,787 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥46,170)
納期: 9 週間
Glass body, porous PTFE liquid junction pH electrode
¥66,935 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥60,850)
納期: 10 週間
pH electrode with European style PG connection
¥66,935 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥60,850)
納期: 9 週間
pH electrode w/100 ohm platinum RTD
¥66,935 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥60,850)
納期: 10 週間
pH electrode w/1000 ohm platinum RTD
Oxidation Reduction Potential electrode
¥42,631 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥38,755)
納期: 9 週間
1/2" MNPT Installation Fitting
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-10
¥3,988 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥3,625)
納期: 2 週間
pH 10 buffer solutions 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-10-GAL
¥9,963 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,057)
納期: 2 週間
pH 10 buffer solutions 4L (1 gal)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-4
¥3,775 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥3,432)
納期: 2 週間
pH 4 buffer solutions 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-4-GAL
¥9,430 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥8,573)
納期: 2 週間
pH 4 buffer solutions 4L (1 gal)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-7
¥3,775 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥3,432)
納期: 2 週間
pH 7 buffer solutions 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-7-GAL
¥9,430 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥8,573)
納期: 2 週間
pH 7 buffer solutions 4L (1 gal)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-DI
¥4,846 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥4,405)
納期: 2 週間
De-ionized water 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-DI-GAL
¥11,157 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥10,143)
納期: 2 週間
De-ionized water 4L (1 gal)
¥10,417 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,470)
納期: 4 週間
20 single use foil packets of de-ionized water
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHAB-PH
¥10,417 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,470)
納期: 2 週間
5 each single use foil packets of pH-4, pH-7, pH-10, and de-ionized water
注: Comes complete with electrode care instruction sheet and 3 m (10') of cable.

For non-standard cable lengths, change the "-10" in the part number to the required length in feet, add $2 per foot to price (additional per foot cost applies to the entire length of cable.

For HF/Fluoride Resistant electrode, add suffix "-HF" to the model number, add $50 to price.

For 3000O Balco, add suffix "-R3K" to model number, add $50 to price.

For European PG style connector, add suffix "-PG" to the model number, add $50 to price.

NOTE: PHEH-51 (1/2 MNPT) installation fitting is required for first time installation.

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