フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Preamplified Alpha® Electrodes

PHE-6300, PHE-5300, PHE-2114 and PHE-1304

Preamplified Alpha® Electrodes | PHE-6300, PHE-5300, PHE-2114 and PHE-1304

Preamplified Alpha® Electrodes

¥27,995 PHE-1304-EB

  • 16 Month Shelf Life
  • Interfaces Directly with Most Instrumentation that Accepts mV Input Signal
  • Signal can be Run Up to 305 m (1000')
  • Power Supply Available in Three Styles
研究用:電極 / 校正液 - 関連する商品を探す


OMEGA Engineering offers pH electrodes with integral preamplifiers for laboratory or industrial applications. These electrodes can interface directly with equipment that accepts a millivolt input signal with a 10 k½ or greater input impedance, such as a data acquisition interface or multimeter. The preamplifier converts the high impedance millivolt signal of the electrode into a low impedance signal, enabling the signal to be run up to 305 m (1000') without signal loss. The electrode is supplied with 1 to 3 m (3 to 10') of coaxial cable, depending on the model. If longer cable lengths are required, simply splice on extension cable.

These preamplified electrodes are available in a variety of styles and can interface with any pH meter, controller, transmitter, multimeter or data acquisition system with a one-to-one unity gain.

The preamplified power option comes in styles: an encapsulated battery design, suffix "-PB", an external battery style, suffix "-EB", and a style for use with an external dc power source, "-NB".
To order a preamplified electrode see the To Order guide below.

Model No. Description
PHE-1304-(*)Combination gel-filled, epoxy-bodied, general purpose laboratory
pH electrode. pH range 0 to 12, temp. 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F).
PHE-2114-(*)Combination general purpose, large bulb, refillable glass pH
electrode. pH range 0 to 13, temp. 0 to 100°C (32 to 212).
PHE-5311-10-(*)Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, gel filled, pH
electrode, Kynar housing, 1/2" MNPT threading, insertion length 1".
10' of cable standard. pH range 0 to 13, temp. range
-5 to 100°C. (23 to 212°F). Dimensions: 127 x 25 mm (5 x 1").
PHE-5411-10-(*)Industrial in-line combination double junction electrode. MNPT
threading, insertion length 1". 10' of cable standard. pH range 0 to
13, temp. range -5 to 100°C (23 to 212°F).
Dimensions: 127 x 25 mm (5 x 1").
PHE-5316-10-(*)Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, gel-filled, pH
electrode, CPCV housing, 3/4" MNPT threading, 2" insertion length.
10' cable standard. pH range 0 to 13, temp. range
-5 to 80°C (23 to 176°F). Dimensions: 168 x 25 mm (6.6 x 1").
PHE-6351-10-(*)Industrial submersible, combination, general purpose,
gel-filled, pH electrode. Electrode potted in 36" ABS pipe.
10' cable standard. pH range 0 to 13, temp. range 0 to 80°C
(32 to 176°F). Dimensions: 28 x 914 mm (1.1 x 36").
PHE-6451-10-(*)Industrial submersible, combination, double junction,
gel-filled, pH electrode. Electrode potted in 36" ABS pipe.
10' cable standard. pH range 0 to 13, temp. range
0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F). Dimensions: 28 x 914 mm (1.1 x 36").
注文する (部品番号ビルダーより掲載以外の製品もご選択いただけます)(注文数を入力の上、"カートに追加"をクリックしてください)

他のお客様はこのような商品も購入しています。: このアイコンをクリックすると、このモデルを購入した他のお客様の購入商品リストが表示されます.

Example part numbers are shown below. For additional configurations see the Part Number Builder below this table.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHE-1304
¥12,912 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥11,738)
納期: 8 週間
Combination gel-filled, epoxy-bodied, general purpose laboratory pH electrode. pH range 0 to 12 temp. 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)
¥30,795 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥27,995)
納期: 12 週間
Pre-amp electrode with replaceable external battery pack
¥37,576 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥34,160)
納期: 12 週間
Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, gel-filled, pH electrode, PVDF housing, 1/2 MNPT threading, insertion length 1". pH range 0 to 13, temperature range -5 to 100°C (23 to 212°F)
¥56,661 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥51,510)
納期: 12 週間
Pre-amp electrode with replaceable external battery pack
¥52,844 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥48,040)
納期: 12 週間
Pre-amp electrode, requires external DC power supply
¥52,844 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥48,040)
納期: 12 週間
Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, gel filled, pH electrode with 1000Ω Platinum RTD
¥45,507 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥41,370)
納期: 7 週間
Industrial in-line combination double junction electrode, MNPT threading, insertion length 1". pH range 0 to 13, temperature range -5 to 100°C (23 - 212°F)
¥60,187 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥54,715)
納期: 7 週間
Pre-amp electrode, requires external DC power supply
¥60,187 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥54,715)
納期: 7 週間
Industrial in-line combination double junction electrode with 1000Ω Platinum RTD
¥33,765 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥30,695)
納期: 2 週間
Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, gel-filled pH electrode, CPCV housing, 3/4 MNPT threading, 2" insertionlength. pH range 0 to 13, temperature range -5 to 80°C (23 to 176°F)
¥49,027 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥44,570)
納期: 7 週間
Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, electrode with 100 Ω Platinum RTD
¥49,027 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥44,570)
納期: 7 週間
Industrial in-line combination, general purpose, electrode with 1000Ω Platinum RTD
¥42,097 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥38,270)
納期: 12 週間
Industrial subersible, combination, general purpose gel-filled, pH electrode. pH range 0 to 13, temperature range 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)
¥57,211 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥52,010)
納期: 7 週間
Pre-amp electrode, requires external DC power supply
Industrial submersible, combination, general purpose gel-filled, pH electrode with 100Ω Platinum RTD
¥57,211 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥52,010)
納期: 12 週間
Industrial submersible, combination, general purpose gel-filled, pH electrode with 1000Ω Platinum RTD
¥49,209 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥44,735)
納期: 7 週間
Industrial submersible, combination, double junction, gel-filled, pH electrode. pH range 0 to 13, temperature range 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)
¥6,765 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥6,150)
納期: 12 週間
Spare battery pack for -EB option.
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHE-DPS
¥17,710 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥16,100)
納期: 7 週間
±3 Vdc power supply to operate preamplified electrodes, input 115 Vac
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-10
¥3,988 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥3,625)
納期: 2 週間
pH 10 buffer solution, 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-10-GAL
¥9,963 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,057)
納期: 2 週間
pH 10 buffer solution, 4L (1 gal)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-4
¥3,775 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥3,432)
納期: 2 週間
pH 4 buffer solution, 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-4-GAL
¥9,430 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥8,573)
納期: 2 週間
pH 4 buffer solution, 4L (1 gal)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-7
¥3,775 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥3,432)
納期: 2 週間
pH 7 buffer solution, 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-7-GAL
¥9,430 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥8,573)
納期: 2 週間
pH 7 buffer solution, 4L (1 gal)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-DI
¥4,846 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥4,405)
納期: 2 週間
De-ionized water, 500 ml (1 pt)
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHA-DI-GAL
¥11,157 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥10,143)
納期: 2 週間
De-ionized water, 4L (1 gal)
¥10,417 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,470)
納期: 4 週間
20 single use foil packets of de-ionized water
Click to expand/minimize a list of what others bought with thePHAB-PH
¥10,417 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥9,470)
納期: 2 週間
5 each single use foil packets of pH-4, pH-7, pH-10, and de-ionized water
注: Comes complete with 1 to 3m (3 to 10') of cable and electrode care instruction sheet.

For non-standard cable lengths, replace te suffix "-10" with the desired length in feet; add $2 per foot. (Additional cost of $2 per foot applies to the entire cable length).



(1) Code in Part Number :
1304 : code 1304
2114 : code 2114
5311-10 : code 5311-10
5316-10 : code 5316-10
6351-10 : code 6351-10
6451-10 : code 6451-10

(2) Code in Part Number :
-EB : Replaceable external battery pack
-PB : Battery encapsulated in the cap of the electrode. Battery life approximately one year. Battery cannot be replaced
-NB : Requires external dc power supply of ±1.5 Vdc to ±9 Vdc
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
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