フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Low Cost Adjustable Solid State Timer, Delay-on-Make, Delay-on-Break


Low Cost Adjustable Solid State Timer, Delay-on-Make, Delay-on-Break | TD-69

¥7,440 TD-69

  • Time Delay Ranges from 6 Seconds to 8 Minutes
  • Easily Adjusted with Front Face Dial
  • Ideal for Staging Two or More High Amperage Starting Loads
  • Prevents Rapid Restarting Due to Sudden Power Loss
  • TD-69 For Use with 19-288 ac or dc Voltage
  • TD-73 For Use with 19-288 volts ac
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The OMEGA ® TD-69 and TD-73 timers are ideal for use when a time delay in energizing a circuit is required. The TD-69 is a delay-on-make timer, and the TD-73 is a delay-on-break timer. When power is applied to the TD-69, the adjustable delay period starts. The load is energized at the end of the delay period. When power is removed from the TD-73 (due to a thermostat, etc.), the adjustable delay period starts. The load will remain de-energized until the delay period has ended. Typical applications for the TD-69 and TD-73 include: staging two or more high amperage starting loads (TD-69), preventing transient signals from activating high alarms (TD-69), preventing rapid re-starting after sudden power loss (TD-73) and use with thermostat controlled equipment (TD-73).

Input Voltage:TD-69 19 to 250 volts ac or dc, 50/60 hz
TD-73 19 to 250 volts ac only, 50/60 hz
Maximum Current: 1 amp (10 amp in rush)
Minimum Current: 40 mA (leakage)
Time Delay Range: TD-69: 6 seconds to 8 minutes/ TD-73: 6 seconds to 5 minutes
Time Delay Range Adjustment: Front face dial
Repeatability: ±0.5 seconds
Response Time To Initiate Timer: 8 msec
Operating Temp Range: 0 to 160°F (-18 to 71°C)
Construction: Plastic housing
Electrical Connections: 1 /4 in blade quick connect terminals
Dimensions: 2 W X 2 L x 3 /4 in D ( 5.08 x 5.08 x 1.90 cm)
Mounting: Single 1 /4 in dia. center hole
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Delay-on-break timer with 6 second to 5 minute adjustable delay. 19 to 288 volts ac only, 50/60 hz.
¥8,184 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥7,440)
納期: 2 週間
Delay-on-make timer with 6 second to 8 minute adjustable delay. 19 to 288 volts ac or dc, 50/60 hz.
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