Transmitter Type :TX91A : Thermocouple transmitter only
TX92A : RTD transmitter only
NB1TXA : Thermocouple transmitter with Cast-Iron head and 12 inch probe
NBSTXA : Thermocouple transmitter with Aluminum head and 12 inch probe
PRTXA : RTD transmitter with Cast-Iron head and 12 inch RTD probe
Input Type :オプション選択がない場合 : RTD transmitter
J : Type J thermocouple (Iron-Constantan)
K : Type K thermocouple (Chromega™-Alomega™)
T : Type T thermocouple (Copper-Constantan) (ranges 6 and 11 excluded)
E : Type E thermocouple (Chromega™-Constantan)
Range for transmitter :オプション選択がない場合 : RTD probe assemblies
1 : -40 to 140°F (RTD only)
2 : 0 to 200°F
3 : 0 to 300°F
4 : 0 to 500°F
5 : 0 to 750°F
6 : 0 to 1000°F (Thermocouple J K E and RTD only)
7 : 0 to 100°C
8 : 0 to 150°C
9 : 0 to 250°C
10 : 0 to 400°C
11 : 0 to 500°C (Thermocouple J K E only)
Range for RTD probe assemblies only :オプション選択がない場合 : single transmitter units
1-12 : -40 to 140°F (RTD)
2-12 : 0 to 200°F (RTD)
3-12 : 0 to 300°F (RTD)
4-12 : 0 to 500°F (RTD)
5-12 : 0 to 750°F (RTD)
6-12 : 0 to 1000°F (RTD)
7-12 : 0 to 100°C (RTD)
8-12 : 0 to 150°C (RTD)
9-12 : 0 to 250°C (RTD)
10-12 : 0 to 400°C (RTD)
Linearized RTD :オプション選択がない場合 : standard non-linearized transmitter
-L : for the 4-20mA output linearized to temperature and selected range
Factory Scale :オプション選択がない場合 : None
-FS : Factory Scaling. Please specify scaling data in comments section during checkout.
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
ご不明な場合は、カスタマーサービス(0120-040-572 もしくは jpesales@dwyeromega.com)へお問合せください。