フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103


DIN Rail Temperature Transmitter | TXDIN101

DIN Rail Temperature Transmitter

¥102,460 TXDIN101

3 year warranty
  • High Accuracy
  • Integral LED display
  • Universal Input: T/C, RTD and mV
  • Galvanic Isolation
  • Configuration and Calibrations are PC-based Software (It requires the USB cable p/n TX69-CABLE sold separately)
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The TXDIN101 is a computerized, PC programmable, galvanically isolated two-wire smart transmitter. The unit converts 13 types of thermocouple sensors; 12 types of RTD sensors, configured as 2-, 3- and 4-wires; potentiometer, resistor and millivolt inputs, single or differential—into process current loop. Integral 3% digits LED display forms a transmitter—monitor unit which is visiable in dark installations. The light intensity varies as a function of the current loop, which serves as the light energy source 24-bit A/D converter and two microprocessors are the heart of the outstanding performance. The transmitter can be set and wired to perform differential measurement conversions of temperature sensors as well as mV sources. The output current is temperature linearized and can be set to be 4 to 20/20 to 4mA—or any range within these limits. The current is limited to 3.9 and 22 mA.The TXDIN101 samples and updates the output current in a rate of 2 to 4 samples per second depends on the sensor type. The transmitter is fully configurable in dry-configuration mode by which the connection to PC is performed with no external power source. The configuration parameters are stored in a nonvolatile memory. Exceptional digital accuracy of typically ±0.1°C is provided for most sensors regardless of the calibrated span. Internal Pt-100 temperature sensor provides precise cold junction compensation throughout the entire ambient range. Detection of sensor breakage or disconnection of input leads, forces the output to a predefined up/down scale value. The unit continuously monitors the sensor and automatically returns to normal operation mode when the sensor is recovered. The TXDIN101 is housed in a plastic enclosure mounted on a standard DIN rail. Special red filter is provided for optimal view.

Housing Specifications
Material: Plastic polycarbonate
Screw Connection: 6 terminals
Mounting: Standard DIN rail
Operating Position: Any
Protection Level: IP20; UL-94-V0 flame retardant
Weight: 85 g (0.18 lb)
Software Package: CONCAL for COM and USB ports
Modem Cord CONUSB:
    Length: 1.5m with USB connector for USB connection
Configured Parameters: Tag information, sensor type, Input range, selection of connection type, output offset, output curve correction, damping factor, burnout type, output current mode, sensor calibration

Thermocouple and Millivolts
Type Input Range °C Input Range °F Minimum Span °C (°F) Digital Accuracy D/A Accuracy
B 100 to 1820 212 to 3308 200 (360) ±0.5°C ±0.02%
E -200 to 1000 -328 to 1832 50 (90) ±0.1°C
J -200 to 1200 -328 to 2192 50 (90) ±0.1°C
K -200 to 1370 -328 to 2498 50 (90) ±0.1°C
L -190 to 890 -310 to 1634 25 (45) ±0.1°C
N -200 to 1300 -328 to 2372 25 (45) ±0.1°C
R 0 to 1760 32 to 3200 200 (360) ±0.5°C
S 0 to 1760 32 to 3200 200 (360) ±0.5°C
T -200 to 400 -328 to 752 50 (90) ±0.1°C
U -190 to 590 -310 to 1094 25 (45) ±0.1°C
D 0 to 2230 32 to 4046 25 (45) ±0.5°C
G 0 to 2160 32 to 3920 25 (45) ±0.5°C
C 15 to 2320 5 to 4208 25 (45) +0.5°C
Millivolt Input -145 to 145   2 mV ±51 uV
Mode T/C: Single or differential sensor Voltage: Single or differential ended
Cold Junction Internal Pt-100 sensor  
C.J. Accuracy ±0.5°C (±0.9°F)  
Sampling Rate T/C: Single: 4, Differential: 2 (S/sec) Voltage: 4, Differential: 2 (S/sec)
Note: For maximum accuracy for T/C input, all the above error components should be accumulated.
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¥112,706 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥102,460)
納期: 2 週間
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Regulated power supply, 24 Vdc, 400 mA, stripped leads, UL
注: Comes with a complete operator’s manual.
Ordering Example: (1) TXDIN101 DIN Rail Universal Smart Transmitter, ¥102,460
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