フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Thermocouple Profile Probes Made from High-Accuracy Special Limits-of-Error Wire (SLE)

PP3, PP6, and PP10 Series

Thermocouple Profile Probes | Miltipoint probes | PP3, PP6, and PP10 Series

Thermocouple Profile Probes | Miltipoint probes

¥154,860 PP6-36-K-G-18

  • 3, 6, & 10 Sensing Points
  • 18 and 36" Lengths
  • 36" Long, 24 AWG Stranded Individual Leads
  • 3/16" Diameter 316SS Sheaths
  • J, K, T, and E Calibrations
  • Individual Thermocouple Terminations Labeled for Easy Identification
  • Up to 650°C (1200°F) Maximum Temperature Rating
熱電対 - 関連する商品を探す


Profile probes consist of several smaller diameter thermocouples placed inside a single outer sheath. They are best suited for profiling the temperature at various points along a single axis. They can be used in many different applications: furnaces, reactors, heat exchangers, air ducts, and more. Mounting these multipoint probes with compression fittings permit easy adjustment of insertion position.

Profile Probe Configurator
The table below shows some typical configurations of profile probes. Omega also offers the Profile Probe Configurator a flexible online tool that will allows a user to configure a custom profile probe with up to 6 thermocouples. The Profile Probe Configurator is easy to use and does not require any log-on information. It provides in realtime the the price and availability of the configured probe. The probe may be immediately ordered online or just note the part number and order anytime in the future by visiting Omega.com's Quick Order Page. The same part number may even be used for ordering through the telephone and fax. Visit the Profile Probe Configurator now.
注文する (部品番号ビルダーより掲載以外の製品もご選択いただけます)(注文数を入力の上、"カートに追加"をクリックしてください)
¥111,463 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥101,330)
納期: 7 週間
K type, ungrounded, Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 4.5", Number of sensing points: 3
¥138,413 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥125,830)
納期: 2 週間
K type, grounded, Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 4.5", Number of sensing points: 3
¥114,362 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥103,965)
納期: 7 週間
K type ungrounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 36", Space between points: 9", Number of sensing points: 3
¥134,222 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥122,020)
納期: 7 週間
K type grounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 36", Space between points: 9", Number of sensing points: 3
¥137,311 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥124,828)
納期: 2 週間
K type ungrounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 1.75", Number of sensing points: 6
¥196,174 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥178,340)
納期: 7 週間
K type ungrounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 1.25", Number of sensing points: 10
¥109,313 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥99,375)
納期: 7 週間
J type ungrounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 4.5", Number of sensing points: 3
¥196,757 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥178,870)
納期: 7 週間
J type ungrounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 1.25", Number of sensing points: 10
¥114,362 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥103,965)
納期: 7 週間
J type ungrounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 36", Space between points: 9", Number of sensing points: 3
¥131,637 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥119,670)
納期: 7 週間
J type grounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 36", Space between points: 9", Number of sensing points: 3
¥137,311 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥124,828)
納期: 2 週間
J type ungrounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 1.75", Number of sensing points: 6
¥170,346 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥154,860)
納期: 7 週間
J type grounded Thermocouple, Sensing Length: 18", Space between points: 1.75", Number of sensing points: 6
注: NOTE: Maximum Continuous Temperatures: J, T: 500°F (260°C); E: 570°F (300°C); K: 1200°F (650°C)
† First point always at probe tip.
Ordering Example: (1) PP6-36-K-G-18 6 Point Profile Probe, 18, ¥154,860



(1) Number of Sensing Points :
PP3-36 : 3 Sensing Points
PP6-36 : 6 Sensing Points
PP10-36 : 10 Sensing Points

(2) Thermocouple Type :
J : J Thermocouple
K : K Thermocouple
T : T Thermocouple
E : E Thermocouple

(3) Junction Style :
U : Ungrounded
G : Grounded

(4) Sensing Length :
18 : 18 Inches
36 : 36 Inches
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
ご不明な場合は、カスタマーサービス(0120-040-572 もしくは jpesales@dwyeromega.com)へお問合せください。
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