Dial Size :15B : 1-1/2 inch with back fitting
20L : 2 inch with lower fitting
20B : 2 inch with back fitting
25L : 2-1/2 inch with lower fitting
25B : 2-1/2 inch with back fitting
Pressure Range :30PSI/2BAR : 0 to 30 psi and 0 to 2 bar
60PSI/4BAR : 0 to 60 psi and 0 to 4 bar
100PSI/7BAR : 0 to 100 psi and 0 to 7 bar
160PSI/11BAR : 0 to 160 psi and 0 to 11 bar
300PSI/21BAR : 0 to 300 psi and 0 to 21 bar
600PSI/42BAR : 0 to 600 psi and 0 to 42 bar
1000PSI/70BAR : 0 to 1000 psi and 0 to 70 bar
2000PSI/140BAR : 0 to 2000 psi and 0 to 140 bar (2-1/2" dial only)
3000PSI/210BAR : 0 to 3000 psi and 0 to 210 bar (2-1/2" dial only)
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
ご不明な場合は、カスタマーサービス(0120-040-572 もしくは jpesales@dwyeromega.com)へお問合せください。