フリーダイヤル 0120-769-103

Flanged Immersion Heaters for Mild Corrosive Solutions

TMS Series

Flanged Immersion Heaters for Mild Corrosive Solutions | TMS Series

Flanged Immersion Heaters for Mild Corrosive Solutions


  • 240 and 480 V, 1 & 3 Phase
  • 3 to 36 kW
  • Premium Grade Stainless Steel (8% Nickel) Sheathed Heating Elements for Use in Mild Corrosive Solutions
  • Time Tested
  • Heavy Duty
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FEATURES Rugged construction. Sturdy stainless steel .475" (1.2 cm) diameter elements, welded to steel flanges provide superior rigidity and strength. Heavy duty jumper straps and terminal parts assure permanent tightness of connections and an extra margin of current carrying capacity.

Long life elements. High grade 304 series stainless steel outer sheath provides the benefits of strength and durability in those applications where stainless performance is required.

kW Circ. Dim.
in. (cm) B
E-1 General Purpose Encl.1
Model No.
lb (kg)
in. (cm) N
3 Inch-150 lb. Steel Flange, 3 Stainless Steel Elements — 23 W/in2
3118 1/16 (46)TMS-3035M/240V/*16 (7)1 (3)
3118 1/16 (46)TMS-3035M/480V/*16 (7)1 (3)
4.5125 3/16 (64)TMS-3045M/240V/*17 (8)1 (3)
4.5125 3/16 (64)TMS-3045M/480V/*17 (8)1 (3)
6133 1/16 (84)TMS-3065M/240V/*18 (8)1 (3)
6133 1/16 (84)TMS-3065M/480V/*18 (8)1 (3)
7.5140 9/16 (103)TMS-3075M/240V/3P19 (9)1 (3)
7.5140 9/16 (103)TMS-3075M/480V/3P19 (9)1 (3)
9148 1/16 (122)TMS-3095M/480V/*21 (10)1 (3)
9148 1/ (122)TMS-3095M/240V/3P21 (10)1 (3)
5 Inch-150 lb. Steel Flange, 6 Stainless Steel Elements — 23 W/in2
9125 3/16 (64)TMS-6095M/**/3P32 (15)1 (3)
12133 1/16 (84)TMS-6125M/**/3P33 (15)1 (3)
15140 9/16 (103)TMS-6155M/**/3P35 (16)1 (3)
20252 1/16 (46)TMS-6205M/240V/3P38 (17)1 (3)
20152 1/16 (46)TMS-6205M/480V/3P38 (17)1 (3)
25265 1/16 (64)TMS-6255M/240V/3P42 (19)1 (3
25165 1/16 (84)TMS-6255M/480V/3P42 (19)1 (3)
30278 1/16 (84)TMS-6305M/**/3P46 (21)1 (3)
6 Inch-150 lb. Steel Flange, 12 Stainless Steel Elements — 23 W/in2
18225 1/8 (64)TMS-1218M/**/3P67 (30)1 (3)
24233 (84)TMS-1224M/**/3P76 (34)1 (3)
30240 1/2 (103)TMS-1230M/**/3P84 (38)1 (3)
36248 (122)TMS-1236M/**/3P111 (50)1 (3)
/* Add the suffix “/3P” to the model number for 3 phase power.
/** Designate voltage, i.e., 240V for 240 VAC or 480V for 480 VAC.
注文する (部品番号ビルダーより掲載以外の製品もご選択いただけます)(注文数を入力の上、"カートに追加"をクリックしてください)
Example part numbers are shown below. For additional configurations see the Part Number Builder below this table.
¥750,008 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥681,825)
納期: 8 週間
Flanged immersion heater, 3 kW, 240 V, 3 stainless steel elements
¥834,537 (税込)
(税抜価格 ¥758,670)
納期: 8 週間
Flanged immersion heater, 6 kW, 240 V, 3 stainless steel elements
注: Larger flange sizes and kW rating available. Contact OMEGALUX.®



(1) Number of Stainless Steel Elements :
3 : 3 Stainless Steel Elements
6 : 6 Stainless Steel Elements
12 : 12 Stainless Steel Elements

(2) Wattage :
035 : 3 kW
045 : 4.5 kW
065 : 6 kW
075 : 7.5 kW
095 : 9 kW
18 : 18 kW
24 : 24 kW
30 : 30 kW
36 : 36 kW
125 : 12 kW
155 : 15 kW
205 : 20 kW
255 : 25 kW
305 : 30 kW

(3) Voltage :
240V : 240 V
480V : 480 V

(4) Power :
/3P : 3 phase power
注: 有効な部品番号については、「商品仕様(PDF)」を参照ください。
ご不明な場合は、カスタマーサービス(0120-040-572 もしくは jpesales@dwyeromega.com)へお問合せください。
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